Good Practice Resources for Supporting International Student Engagement

Our mission is to identify good practice in international student engagement across a range of areas, increase recognition of the contributions of international students in the Australian community, and develop and promote good practice guides and resources in engaging international students.


A series of six Guides for supporting international student engagement in different areas, and a Framework for developing innovative programs to enhance international student engagement.


An international student services directory designed to provide information about services which international students can access while living and studying in Australia.


Videos of good practice stories of innovative programs and initiatives in supporting international student engagement.


Please take a moment to complete the feedback form and share your insights about the Guides. Your feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Critical Considerations for Optimizing the Support for International Student Engagement

— Tran, L., Blackmore, J., Forbes-Mewett, H., Nguyen, D., Hartridge, D., & Aldana, R. (2022). Critical Considerations for Optimizing the Support for International Student Engagement. Journal of International Students, 12(3), i-vi.
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